Garden & Outdoor

How to Grow Succulents Like Cactus

· 2 min read >

How to Grow Succulents Like Cactus – Cacti are beautiful plants, and they’re popular both in gardens and as houseplants.

But did you know that you can grow succulents like cactus? Here are some tips to help you get started with your own succulent garden.

How to Grow Succulents Like Cactus

Use the Right Soil

When it comes to choosing the right soil for succulents, you have a few options.

  • You can use a cactus mix. This is generally made up of a combination of sand, peat moss and perlite. It contains the right amount of air pockets and moisture retention that succulents need. Cactus mixes are not only good for cacti; they’re also fine for other types of succulents as well!
Cactus Succulents for Your Home
source : Homebnc
  • You can make your own potting mix using materials like perlite, bark chips or even tree fern fibers (which provide an interesting texture). If you want to go this route but don’t know where to start, there are lots of resources online that provide recipes for homemade pots that work well with succulents.

However you decide to go about it though: just make sure there’s plenty of drainage in your potting mixture so water doesn’t get trapped at the bottom—this will cause root rot or other problems down the line!

Utilize the Sun

The most important thing to remember when growing succulents is that they need a lot of sunlight. These plants thrive in the heat and they will not do well if they are kept in a shady area.

The best place to put your succulent is in a room that gets full sun all day long, but make sure it doesn’t get too hot either; try not to put them near windows during the hottest parts of summer or winter.

Remember to Water

One of the most important things you need to know about growing succulents is how to water them. Succulents are drought tolerant, which means they can go weeks without water and still be okay.

However, this doesn’t mean you can skip watering them entirely! Don’t worry though—the good news is that it’s actually really easy to figure out when your succulent needs water.

Cactus Succulents for Your Garden

Watering your succulents too often or not enough will cause root rot in your plant as well as make it fall over or lose its leaves.

Cactus Succulents in Cup of Glass
source :

If this happens, don’t worry; just cut off any dead parts of the plant (like leaves) and keep watering until it starts growing back again!

Give Your Plants Room to Breathe

Plants need air to grow. This means that, if you have a small pot and you keep the soil too moist, your plant will not be able to breathe properly.

So, if you want your succulent to thrive and get big and strong (and not just sit there looking pretty), it needs room to grow.

Give Your Cactus Succulents Room to Breathe

Give the plants plenty of space between each other so they can spread out their roots as much as possible without being crowded by their neighbors.

Avoid planting them tightly together because this will cause them to compete with each other for water and nutrients in the soil—which can lead to stress on the plants themselves as well as stunted growths!

For example: If you want one of those cactus-looking things but don’t want it taking over half your living room table then try growing organically indoors

Fertilize Sparingly and Never From Cactus Food

Use a balanced fertilizer that is not made specifically for cactus, such as granular organic “bloom” fertilizer.

If you do have cactus food, don’t use it every time you fertilize your succulents. It will encourage them to grow too much, which makes them more susceptible to sunburns and other problems.

Cactus Succulents Trends 2022

Fertilize sparingly, especially in winter and spring when the plants are dormant and losing moisture at a higher rate than they can retain it.

When fertilizing your succulents, sprinkle the recommended amount evenly around each plant’s base but keep any excess off of their leaves and stems (they may burn).

Cactus Succulents Garden Design

Apply the fertilizer once every two weeks during summer months; less often if your plants go dormant during winter or early spring when days are shorter and temperatures drop significantly (they still need water then!).


Succulents are easy to grow and maintain, making them great additions to any garden. Succulents look beautiful and make a great gift idea!

Succulent plants are low maintenance, so they don’t require much work on your part. They’re also very hardy and thrive in a variety of climates.

Succulents are a great way to add some extra color and texture to your garden. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and can be used for many different purposes.

If you want to grow succulents like cactus in your own home then follow our tips on how best do this!