Living Room

The 5 Best Accent Wall Colors for Living Room and How to Combine Them

· 2 min read >

Adding a little color to your walls can make a big difference. Whether you want to add some contrast to your neutral space, or you want to create a bold statement in a room that already has plenty of color, accent wall colors are the way to go.

These accent wall colors for living room are perfect for adding just the right amount of oomph and flair.

Create a modern, timeless look with this soft palette.

If you want to create a modern, timeless look, try using neutral colors as your main color and soft colors as your accent. To do this, choose one or two main colors that complement each other.

source : Shutterfly

In this example, we’ve chosen gray and navy blue. The gray is used on most surfaces of the room (couch pillows and curtains) while the blue pops up in a few places (rugs, lampshades).

Make the most of your precious space.

  • Use the color of your accent wall to maximize the space in your living room. The best way to do this is by choosing a color that makes the space feel larger, cozier and more relaxing or energizing.
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  • If you want to make your room look larger, use a light gray or white as an accent wall color. A lighter shade will help expand the visual size of your room by reflecting more light than darker shades do and giving it more airy feeling.
  • If you want to make your room feel cozier and more intimate, use a rich tone like red or burgundy on one of the walls as an accent wall color instead of paint them all white like most people do when they are decorating their house if possible because it makes rooms appear smaller especially those with high ceilings so go against convention here!

Keep the neutral-color floor in mind.

You do not have to use the same color as your floor. It can be a different one, or it can simply be similar to it.

In the living room above, the living room is painted in a warm grayish-blue color that almost looks like grayish-green. The rest of the house is painted in white and black accents, so this contrast makes for an eye-catching accent wall that also brings in some much needed color into the space.

The accent wall here is painted in darker brown tones than those used on other walls throughout this space. This adds interest without making things too busy or distracting from other focal points in this room (like artwork).

Use the mirror effects to pick up your favorite accent wall color and double it again.

In a living room, the use of mirrors is always an interesting touch. The best way to do it is to place at least one long mirror on an accent wall. This will reflect the color of your chosen accent wall, which can add some visual interest to your overall design scheme.

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If you’re feeling extra inspired, consider using multiple large rectangular mirrors hung side by side in front of each other in order to create a sort of “mirror maze” effect that will make your guests feel like they’ve entered another dimension entirely!

Think about how you want to use accent wall colors, and decide on a combination that fits your needs

  • Think about how you want to use accent wall colors, and decide on a combination that fits your needs.
  • Decide whether you want to use an accent color in the room. If so, it’s important to consider the flooring and furniture. If you’re going for a very bold combination and have neutral-colored furniture, then your walls can be an accent color as well. However, if your floor is neutral but your walls are bright white or cream, it may be best to keep them as they are since they’ll blend with everything else in the room (and make everything look more balanced).
source : Lushome
  • Choose the right combination of colors for different elements within your living space: You can choose one single color throughout most rooms in order to create cohesion between all elements of design; this is especially true when working with bolder accent wall colors like reds or greens! When using multiple shades of one hue (like blue), try using different tones across different shapes such as chairs/couches vs table surfaces vs lamps/light fixtures – this adds visual interest but still keeps things feeling cohesive overall.
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We hope you’ve found some inspiration in this article. If you have any questions or thoughts on the subject of accent wall colors for living room, feel free to add them in the comment section below.